Thursday, September 26, 2013

Justinian Cioroianu: Webmaster, an active online militant for Peace, Life & Love in all the world and for the Environmental Protection, for all the people's health .

Ma numesc Justinian Cioroianu Copy and WIN :

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Ma numesc Justinian Cioroianu Copy and WIN :

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Ma numesc Justinian Cioroianu, sunt inginer energetic de profesie, cu o bogata experienta de munca in domeniul Centralelor Termoelectrice si al fabricarii de Generatoare de abur energetice mari si moderne, de asemenea sunt si un militant activ online PRIN ARTA pentru pace, protectia mediului, sanatate, prosperitate si progres.
My name is Justinian Cioroianu, I am energetic engineer by profession, with extensive work experience in the field of power plants and manufacturing of high and modern energy steam generators, also I am and an active militant online THROUGH ART for peace, environmental protection, prosperity and progress.

Pentru activitatea mea online pentru protectia mediului m-am facut cunoscut in toata lumea, am fost remarcat de multe personalitati si ca atare am primit mesaje de la acestea, printre care si acest mesaj de la Michele Obama. 
For my online activity for environmental protection I became known in the world wide and as such I have been noted of many personalities and so I received many messages from many personalities and this message from Michele Obama:

Am primit de asemenea mesaje de la multe personalitati inclusiv de la Presedintele USA, Barack Obama , deschide linkurile:

I have also received messages from several personalities including from Barack Obama, the U.S. President, open the links:

Ca sa pot sa militez mai eficient pentru protectia mediului m-am inregistrat la compania Virgin Unite al lui Sir Richard Branson.
As to can militate more efficient for environment protection I am registered at
Virgin Unite, Sir Richard Branson's company.  

Fa click pe poza de mai jos ca sa vezi mai bine si dupa aceea deschide linkul:

Click on the picture bellow to see it better and after open the link: